In this section, 我们将讨论第九条联邦法规规定的不同类型的暴力和骚扰.
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Many advocates tend to use the term “victim” when referring to someone who has recently been affected by sexual violence; when discussing a particular crime; or when referring to aspects of the criminal justice system. “幸存者”通常用来指那些在治愈过程中走得更远的人, 或者在讨论性暴力的短期或长期影响时. 有些人认为自己是受害者,而另一些人更喜欢幸存者这个词. 你可以选择任何你觉得合适的术语.
“同意”是指给予和接受参与性活动的许可. 在和某人发生性关系之前,你需要知道他们是否也想和你发生性关系. 理想情况下,同意是一个明确的“是”大声说出来.
必须不断地给予同意. 同意一种类型的活动并不意味着你的伴侣也同意其他活动. 每个人都有权利在任何时候以任何理由停止性行为. 同意是指确保参与活动的每个人都感到兴奋, engaged, 并且能够说“是”或“不是”,每一次.
没有人应该感到压力、操纵或威胁而说“是”.因为睡觉而在精神上或身体上丧失行为能力或受损的人, unconscious, 或者在药物或酒精的影响下无法给予同意. 此外,有些人可能因为他们的年龄或精神能力而无法表示同意. For more information about consent and Minnesota law visit the Rape and 乱伦全国网络(RAINN):
Sexual Violence
Without consent, 任何性行为(包括口交), genital touching, 而阴道或肛门插入)是性暴力.
性暴力包括性侵犯, rape, 或者任何其他性行为因为一方强迫而发生, coerces, 操纵或恐吓他人.
性暴力可以由陌生人实施, acquaintances, family members, spouses, 或者约会对象. 它包括被别人触摸或被强迫或强迫触摸别人. Sexual violence can also happen when someone is not able to give consent because they are too young or incapacitated.
- 性权力滥用:当有人喜欢教练时, teacher, 或者宗教领袖利用他们的权威地位来强迫, coerce, 或者操纵某人进行性行为,
- 亲密伴侣性暴力:当配偶或伴侣使用性暴力时,
- 儿童性虐待;
- 乱伦或对家庭成员的性虐待;
- Reproductive coercion and safer-sex sabotage: when one partner controls or interferes with decision-making related to reproductive and sexual health. 这包括破坏生育控制, 强迫某人进行无保护措施的性行为, 或者在未经同意的情况下取下避孕套(有时被称为“偷”)。,
- Sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation: when someone requires the other person to trade sex for money, food, a place to stay, 或者毒品,或者强迫他们参与色情或脱衣, and
- Non-consensual explicit images: when someone takes or releases explicit photos or videos without permission, 有时被称为“复仇色情片”.”
Relationship violence – also known as domestic violence or dating violence – is a pattern of behavior that is used by a current or former intimate partner to gain and maintain power and control over the other partner. 它可能发生在人们结婚、同居、约会或关系结束后.
关系暴力可能发生在只约会一次的人身上, 刚开始约会, 或者已经在一起很多年了.
关系暴力可能包括使用身体暴力, sexual violence, 威胁和恐吓, isolation, emotional abuse, 精神和文化虐待, 经济剥夺, 财政滥用. 无论遭受何种类型的虐待,都可以寻求帮助.
跟踪是针对不受欢迎的人的行为, unwelcome, 或者没有回报,导致他们恐惧或严重的情绪困扰.
跟踪包括跟踪某人等行为, tracking someone, 发送不想要的礼物或信息, 打不需要的电话, damaging property, 监控电话和科技产品的使用, 或者发布关于某人的信息或散布谣言.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior that interferes with someone’s right to feel comfortable at school or work. 它可以包括评论、笔记、信息、手势或身体接触. 它使学习或工作环境充满敌意和不舒服. 这包括反复邀请某人约会,尤其是在对方已经说“不”的情况下.”
One specific type of harassment is known as “quid pro quo” when someone with authority trades or tries to trade sexual contact for something the other person wants like a good grade or preferential treatment.